Weather Stations
WatchDog 2900ET Weather Station measures, calculates and logs evapotranspiration (ET), solar radiation, wind speed/direction, wind chill, dew point, temperature, RH and rainfall.
Optimize your irrigation and IPM programs with this powerful weather station. The comprehensive water management system enables you to assign discrete K-factors to each crop/field you track for evapotranspiration and irrigation amounts.
The WatchDog Model 2900ET measures, calculates and logs:
Evapotranspiration (ETo)
Wind Speed and Direction
Dew Point
Solar Radiation
Air Temperature
Relative Humidity
Up to 5 external sensors
WatchDog 2900ET Weather Station – 3350WD2
WE900 Weather Station, 4-20mA Junction Box – ER0000
Wireless Vantage Pro2 Weather Station – 6152