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Over the past 15 years, I’ve used a variety of backpack Electrofishers, made by several other companies. Of them all, the Halltech HT-2000 is the most pleasant to use. It is quiet, lightweight, comfortable, and has exactly the electronic controls that you want, without a lot of needless extra bells and whistles. It has several innovative design features, like the rugged waterproof casing, high-on-your-back design (allowing you to go into deeper water), crutch-style anode, and tilt on-off switch. I was a little concerned when I first saw how small and lightweight the lithium ion batteries were, thinking that they wouldn’t last very long on a charge. I was wrong! We’ve been using the HT-2000 at high voltage to sample fishes in low-conductivity coastal plain streams, and the batteries last just as long if not longer than the “green ones” I was accustomed to. I had one technical issue with one of the units I bought, but Mark responded quickly to fix the problem and get me back in business. All in all, I’d recommend Halltech to anyone looking for an affordable, hardworking, user-friendly electrofisher.


Jamie Roberts, PhD
Assistant Professor
Georgia Southern University

Dear Halltech,

I wanted to take a moment and let you know we are very pleased with the backpack electrofishing unit we purchased this past year. In addition to using the electrofisher in a stream environment, we also use it to anesthetize striped bass broodstock prior to spawning procedure and American shad prior to hormone implant. The simplicity of the design and the fact Halltech customized our electrodes for electro-anesthesia contributed to a successful spawning season. Thanks for making an effective and easy to use device!


Forrest Sessions, Biologist
South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources
Bonneau , SC

Here are some aspects I like about the HT2000: The backpacker shocker frame is setup to ride higher on your back, so you can shocker deeper pools. The battery life is amazing! The outer-shell of shocker is a pelican case with great waterproofing. The unit is lighter than other shockers. Halltech’s service department is A+, always working hard to make sure our shocking equipment never goes down keeping us from completing our surveys.

Here are some of my testimonials from previous emails:

“Yeah, we have had great success shocking American eels with the HT2000 backpack shocker. We’ve shocked 100’s of eels in a few streams within the Hudson River watershed. Sometimes it looks like a horror film, watching all the eels squirm out of the substrate. Trust me, measuring all those eels is not fun.”

“Our HT2000 backpack shocker was on a fish survey recently where it was put into heavy use. We sampled 9 sites (1000 second runs) for a total of 9000 seconds on ONE battery. What a Work Horse!!!”

Kevin Poole
Fish and Wildlife Technician
Fisheries and Wildlife Department
State University of New York at Cobleskill
