SXBlue Server
SXBlue Server runs on the range of OS WINDOWS 98/XP/2000/7. It manages two Port serial inputs which can then be routed simultaneously to a NTRIP caster and / or integrated DIRECT IP server. The mirror mode allows to redirect TCP / IP gateway to customers, which opens the possibility of using mobile GPS references transmitting their corrections via GPRS / EDGE. It is not mandatory to have a fixed IP address to use UtlsServer, it monitors its IP address and knows to notify you of any changes thereof. Terminal mode is available to check the outputs / GPS receivers and to configure them if they accept remote configuration it is also possible to send from a ground terminal. The package also contains SXBlue RTN allows you to connect to the server to receive GPS corrections and redirect them to a serial port. This utility runs on Windows Mobile, WINDOWS CE, WINDOWS XP with . NET 1.1 pack)