Staff Gauges

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Staff Gauges

Item # 15414

Environmentally rugged staff gauges provide a quick and easy visual indicator of water level and flow. Every water level monitoring station should include a staff gauge from which the height of the water may be visually and easily compared to any data logger’s reported measurement.
Enameled iron gauges are preferred over other type gauges (such as painted gauges) since they resist rust, corrosion or discoloration and will last almost indefinitely with proper installation and maintenance. Any algae, organic/marine growth or other dirt build up on the gauge is easily washed off.
Staff gauges are typically placed on a redwood, cypress, cedar or synthetic board of suitable width and the board itself is then attached or embedded to the wall. Mounting a staff gauge directly to concrete or metal structures is also done, but care should be taken so that the mounting screws are not excessively tightened since this could chip or fracture the porcelain. In order to prevent this, rubber grommets should be placed immediately under the screw head before installing the gauge. Stevens staff gauges are designed to accept a 8.75 inches round head brass wood screw. Also, each Stevens staff gauge includes pre-drilled mounting holes with a brass grommet ring to help avoid any porcelain chipping or fracturing for over-tightening.

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